On The Road with Caroline

Photos by: Kara Buse and Caroline Neal
Embarked on an epic road trip with my nomad friend Caroline. Loaded down with previsions, 120lb great dane, a 9 lb poodle and 3 rolls of film, we departed Austin to explore more of the Americas I had yet to wander through and attempt to capture it's beauty. Sometimes, to be honest, its all so beautiful it makes my heart skip. The great creator has a heart and when its not skipping or jumping for joy, its beating inside of mine.
There is something so much bigger than us, weather you call it god, universe, santa, mother earth, or creator of heaven and earth: its bigger than all that is and will ever be. This presence is unimaginably vast, it chooses to dwell within us, permeating us with its spirit. And its only in the spirit realm could something so infinitely great live within someone so very small. I am awed by the power and the glory of this spirit within me.
Its amazing to think that this infinite being is so personal, always ready to offer assistance, all you need to do is ask. Caroline and I would come to points on our journey and say a little prayer out loud about what our next move should be and so sweetly would spirit send us a sign as if we were the only two people on the planet. Gently we would be nudged to take this route over the other and be astounded by the breath taking views, sunsets so beautiful my eyes would leek and the feeling of being held in the here and now: this is exactly where i am supposed to be.
Caroline and I had part ways after Moab. I caught a hopper plane out of the canyons and back to Austin and Caroline road on to Mount Shasta. A few days later she called me with the exciting news that baby Heart Hazen was with us on our adventure and we didn't even know it! He will be joining tribe in February 2018.