Union Station: A Rocky Mountain Vacation

Long and crazy weeks at work leading up to Memorial Day weekend and it was high time for us to skip town. We found cheap sunrise tickets from Austin to Denver on Tuesday and flew out that Thursday with our 35mm film camera. Landed in the Denver airport with literally no plan. Sat down on a bench to game plan with Boog by our side. We snagged a brochure for the trendy Hostel Fish which had a tip to get us to downtown's Union Station via train.
With espresso in hand and Boog on our lap, we rolled into town with great views of the land and skyline. The train pulled into Lower Downtown Denver (LODO) and drops us off at Union Station. We led our dog and luggage to the terminal and were greeted with a design inspiration station. Timeless white marble, brass detail, velvet couches, leather chairs, chandeliers, shuffle boards, a fresh flower stand and amazing eateries and dining options. We charish these adventures and are so thankful that our tiny family gets to see so much beauty in this world.
Gathered our belongings and headed off to find a home base. As we walked through Writer’s Square, a thunderstorm rolled in and we were forced to take shelter in the Tattered Cover Book Store to wait it out. We read a few photography books and felt so warm and cozy, for a couple of street urchins. The sun quickly came back out so we journeyed onward and came upon a poet named Deven Micheal Kingsford. Deven hammered away on his typewriter and promptly wrote a poem about Wyld Roots called With A “Y”. We suddenly didn’t feel like strangers in this town anymore.
No vacancy at Hostel Fish so we booked an adjacent room on 16th street. Now free of excess baggage, we popped into Native Roots for some of Colorado’s legal green and decided we needed to see about the aquarium.
Like two little kids giddy about life under water while in the rockies, we marveled at God’s creative creatures! From river gnar to star fish, tigers, snakes and sharks. We even introduced Boog to an otter. The otter’s playful and carefree energy reminded us to do the same. Go with the flow!
We awoke in our hotel room giddy from the day before. We laughed at ourselves for being two 30 year olds who vist the rocky mountains and end up an aquarium. Water is forever our element. Over morning coffee, Boog spotted his very first tiny baby cotton tail rabbit and caused a scene by chasing the poor thing around the plaza. The wild interaction inspired a mini road trip out to the Rockies. So we rented a Mustang, jet black and zipped out of the city into the unknown to explore this beautiful world a bit more.
Blasting Bryan's Colorado playlist, we cruised towards the foothills, through Estes Park and stopped at some scenic overlooks along the way. Even though we were driving in a brand new sports car with heated seats, you could sense the elements intensifying. We caught our first glimps of snow flurries right before a golden eagle soared right in front of our stang.
Spotted wild elk in the distance in Eno Valley.
Played fetch at Deer Mountain and chased chipmonks up pine trees.
Self timer family photo alongside Bear Lake.
Unbelievable views at the top of Glacier Gorge Trail.
We left Denver filled up with gratitude for the abundance of beauty and awareness that we are blessed enough to experience it.
Wyld Roots